Stats - Clan

logo the bosses
Gold League III Members:
Total Points: 1.203 1.583
Clan Location: Malaysia
Chat Language: -
Type: open
Required Trophies: 400 400
Required TH level: 8
War Frequency: always
Wars Won: 36
War Win Streak: 0
Capital Hall Level: 2
Open ingame
Clan description:
rebuilding the clan use both attacks in war donate when possible and wot is asked if not Pacific donate any elder and Co depends on how many troop you donate we try and war 3 times and a week

- League Level Name Troops donated Troops received Trophies
1. Unranked 74 Fizrost Zero 3
0 0 0 0 1.231
2. Unranked 78 Frencz
0 0 0 0 1.177
- Total Average per player
Troops donated: 0 0
Troops received: 0 0
Level: 152 76
Trophies: 2.408 1.204
Versus trophies: 3.166 1.583
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