Stats - Clan

Unranked Members:
Total Points: 435 380
Clan Location: India
Chat Language: -
Type: inviteOnly
Required Trophies: 1.600 1.600
Required TH level: 1
War Frequency: always
Wars Won: 85
War Win Streak: 1
Capital Hall Level: 1
Open ingame
Clan description:
1. use both the attacks in war 2. don't donate wrong troops 3. don't abuse and don't use bad words. all things donate ok no one kick you follow the rules. score 500 points in clan games for elder

- League Level Name Troops donated Troops received Trophies
1. Unranked 40 sudda
0 0 0 0 870
- Total Average per player
Troops donated: 0 0
Troops received: 0 0
Level: 40 40
Trophies: 870 870
Versus trophies: 761 761
CW-Log not public!