Stats - Clan

logo Arsenals
Unranked Members:
Leader: noBadge

Total Points: 687 0
Clan Location: Jamaica
Chat Language: -
Type: open
Required Trophies: 1.000 0
Required TH level: 1
War Frequency: always
Wars Won: 4
War Win Streak: 0
Capital Hall Level: 1
Open ingame
Clan description:
This is the ARSENALS. Anyone can join in this clan. Loyalty, donation, and attacks are the most important things to remember if you will join. And always remember that victory can be achieved by the style of your attack, not by the style of your base

- League Level Name Troops donated Troops received Trophies
- Total Average per player
Troops donated: 0
Troops received: 0
Level: 0
Trophies: 0
Versus trophies: 0