Stats - Clan

Crystal League II Members:
Total Points: 2.061 2.938
Clan Location: Canada
Chat Language: English
Type: open
Required Trophies: 1.000 200
Required TH level: 8
War Frequency: moreThanOncePerWeek
Wars Won: 406
War Win Streak: 4
Capital Hall Level: 5
Open ingame
Clan description:
basic rules for this clan: english speaking only,everyone must know what everyone is saying to each other. no fowl language or abusive talk. use both war attacks. co is baesed on loyalty to clan, donations, and preformance in games and war. have fun

- League Level Name Troops donated Troops received Trophies
1. Crystal League III 169 GUSTO
47 47 94 94 2.176
2. Unranked 160 ICE BREAKER
47 47 47 47 1.947
- Total Average per player
Troops donated: 94 47
Troops received: 141 71
Level: 329 165
Trophies: 4.123 2.062
Versus trophies: 5.878 2.939
CW-Log not public!