Stats - Clan

logo The Brotherhood
Unranked Members:
Total Points: 801 956
Clan Location: Belize
Chat Language: -
Type: open
Required Trophies: 0 0
Required TH level: 1
War Frequency: always
Wars Won: 21
War Win Streak: 2
Capital Hall Level: 1
Open ingame
Clan description:
Join Brothers and have Fun! *Rules* 1) Always attack for war(Use both attacks) 2) Be as active as possible 3) Donate when you can. (IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW THE RULES YOU'LL BE KICKED OUT)

- League Level Name Troops donated Troops received Trophies
1. Unranked 59 Death Bloom
0 0 0 0 984
2. Bronze League I 21 PHANTOM
0 0 0 0 619
- Total Average per player
Troops donated: 0 0
Troops received: 0 0
Level: 80 40
Trophies: 1.603 802
Versus trophies: 1.913 957
CW-Log not public!